May 15th, 2024 × #react#javascript#live-podcast

React Miami Live Show

The React Miami live podcast episode features special live segments like map/filter/reduce code challenges, JS or NAS audience voting games, and opportunities for the audience to participate.

Topic 0 00:17

Live podcast in Miami

Scott Tolinski

This is the whole Syndax team. Wes Bos, me, myself, Caitlin Blum, Ben Vinegar, Randy Rector, and CJ Reynolds, we're all here today. Say hi.

Topic 1 01:19

Plan for live segments like map/filter/reduce code game

Scott Tolinski

So the plan today is that we have a lot of segments. The first one is going to be we shouldn't have put this one first. Yeah. It's gonna be tough. I'm kinda worried about this one. Map filter reduce, where we've given each other a map filter, well, map filter and reduce, and you have to determine the output just by looking at the code.

Scott Tolinski

Next up is syntax error where we try to stump each other on syntax bugs that we've, deviously hidden in code.

Topic 2 02:28

Live audience participation with phones to vote on JS or NAS questions

Scott Tolinski

This will be available again later on the show too. So pigeonhole.atforward/sick.

Topic 3 02:39

Additional live audience participation opportunities

Scott Tolinski

Okay. Oh, man. Why you do this? Audience as well. You try to figure it out. Student name length times the student score. Okay.

Scott Tolinski

So out of the first one, you get the properties.

Scott Tolinski

So you get individual, name, score, and then points.

Scott Tolinski

So for Wes, it's obviously going to be 3, times 2. We have, that is 6.

Scott Tolinski

making thing ever. I'm just gonna ignore that part for right now. Okay. The filter, okay.

Scott Tolinski

Come on.

Scott Tolinski

How many times something goes into something else? Or is that that's division.

Scott Tolinski

Bam. Got it. Remainer. Model. Oh, come on, Wes. Okay. After something has been evenly divided by 2, how many are left over? Okay. So that really gives us only the even ones. So which ones are even? So Wes is even. CJ is going to be even.

Scott Tolinski

2 times 4. Okay. Scott is 5 times 3, not going to be is that even? Node. 5 times 3.50. No. Not even. A note. Yep. Okay. So so so far, we are filtering out Scott. We have Wes, which is, now points of, 6. CJ points of 8. Yep. Okay? And the reduce, we are adding the student points together, and you're just returning the points.

Scott Tolinski

So the point is, we have 6 plus 8 equals 14.

Scott Tolinski

Fifteen. What?

Scott Tolinski

Sorry about that. I did come up with this game, though, so it's on me.

Scott Tolinski

We did the 2 hardest

Scott Tolinski

K. So

Scott Tolinski

The user document has 2 IDs, which I guess is fine.

Scott Tolinski

1 is a number. 1 is a string.

Scott Tolinski

Export default async function.

Scott Tolinski

Save user promise user document.

Scott Tolinski

I'll give you a hint. It is a syntax error. It is a syntax error. Oh, man. I gotta, like, blur my eyes to see this.

Scott Tolinski

Gosh. Darn it.

Scott Tolinski

I don't know. I don't see it. Alright. Audience.

Scott Tolinski


Scott Tolinski

I don't use interface that much. Well

Scott Tolinski

Remember class components? Yes. When was the last time?

Scott Tolinski

a that's fine. That's fine. I think it's just a image thing. It's not an image. That's not the intention. I can see the line numbers. I know. It's not intentional. Okay. Well, I I extra point for that one.

Scott Tolinski

Syntax highlighting was turned off.

Scott Tolinski

You are defining the type, then you're yeah.

Scott Tolinski

The equals to an object. I feel like that is the wrong order of things.

Scott Tolinski

Let me just check the rest of it.

Scott Tolinski

I isn't this the wrong syntax for the Node,

Scott Tolinski

Function, user, card.

Scott Tolinski

Let's see.

Scott Tolinski

Oh, man. You're crushing me.

Scott Tolinski

User is I mean, we'd obviously don't know what user is. User is users destructed.

Scott Tolinski

Yep. D yeah. Okay. So users should should be the variable user, not inside of brackets.

Scott Tolinski

Right? Because this is React. Yeah. This is React. It's props.

Scott Tolinski

Now I don't write React.

Scott Tolinski

I don't see it. What is it? Alright. Gotcha. Audience.

Scott Tolinski

Wes should have a timer. Right here. What?

Scott Tolinski

I think it just might be cut off.

Scott Tolinski

Yeah. That Node. Okay. Yeah. So that's not the issue? I cut I yep.

Scott Tolinski


Scott Tolinski

Yeah. It works.

Scott Tolinski

Transform. Okay. So translate x looks fine. Translate y. Let's see.

Scott Tolinski

We have let's check the parentheses.

Scott Tolinski

3 open, 3 close, 2 open, 2 close, var var move, move 10 pnpm times negative 1 px, and that's inside of the calc.

Scott Tolinski

Why? Why? Let me see this. Calc, there's no misspellings. It's not something devious like that. Nope. Yeah. Var move is is fine both times. Those are both pixels. You're multiplying pixels. There's nothing crazy there.

Scott Tolinski

We need well, it How many of you see it. Can you do a translate y and a translate x to separate properties? Yeah. You you can. Quick. Because I never do that. That's fine. Always three d.

Scott Tolinski

Yeah. That's kind of what I was looking at. Anybody see it?

Scott Tolinski


Scott Tolinski

I don't see it. What is it? Alright. Help me out there. What do Wes got?

Scott Tolinski

This one hurts me. Yes.

Scott Tolinski

This one hurts me too. Yeah.

Scott Tolinski


Scott Tolinski

Esno, is this a JavaScript compiler and TypeScript checker written in Rust with a focus on static analysis and runtime performance?

Scott Tolinski

Well, let's see. Alright. Let's Alright. Get your votes in.

Scott Tolinski

And the winner is it's a JavaScript compiler.

Scott Tolinski

Alright. Ready to go? Get your votes in. And And I'm gonna hit go.

Scott Tolinski

Next question here.

Scott Tolinski

Which of these statements about MySQL is false? The my sequel dolphin is named Sekila.

Scott Tolinski

Or PlanetScale attempted to fork my sequel after licensing disagreements in 2020? Which of these is false? False. Which one is false?

Scott Tolinski

Brand name for the Venlafaxine antidepressant medication in Mexico or both? Get your votes in.

Scott Tolinski


Scott Tolinski

A ByteDance's design token generator that outputs to CSS, JavaScript Tailwind, SwiftUI, and Android Compose, or both? Yeah.

Scott Tolinski

Zuber, is this Uber's zoo stand based state machine library for architecting real time UIs.

Scott Tolinski


Scott Tolinski

This one's for the locals.

Scott Tolinski

An upcoming standard library for JavaScript for working with date and times or both? Get your votes in.

Scott Tolinski


Scott Tolinski

Alright. Next Wes, Dev.

Scott Tolinski

What's your name? Dev. Dev.

Scott Tolinski

React DOM's use form state was recently replaced with what hook for working with server components?

Scott Tolinski

Use action state.

Scott Tolinski

The what? That JS a hutz. That was a tricky

Scott Tolinski

So you can close

Scott Tolinski

I went deep on the the GitHub website for that one. Michael. Michael.

Scott Tolinski

a shirt. Next question for Michael.

Scott Tolinski

Name eight reserved keywords in JavaScript.

Scott Tolinski

Alright. Don't don't look at the screen. I'm gonna show them all. We're gonna show them. So you Scott look at all these people.

Scott Tolinski

I gotta guess the ones that you have oh, you have a lot of them. There are a lot of them. Yarn a lot.

Scott Tolinski

For, switch, function, class.

Scott Tolinski

Why am I there? Default.

Scott Tolinski


Scott Tolinski

Yeah. Yeah.

Scott Tolinski

Try, catch, replay.

Scott Tolinski

Oh, yeah. I guess we gotta open up the Yeah. We do have 1. We have 2 in let's see.

Scott Tolinski

Clear clear winner on that one. Scott is a much better coder than I am. Thank you. Wes did Scott get his dope shirt? Mac Weldon. This shirt is from Mac Weldon.

Scott Tolinski

That's a dope shirt.

Scott Tolinski

Have you guys struggled with Next. Js caching as much as Sam? How do you say he's the same? Selikhoff. Selikhoff did yesterday on stage and Me on My Side Projects. Yeah.

Scott Tolinski

Node. That's true.

Scott Tolinski

Solid. Sorry.

Scott Tolinski

What else? I yeah. I think we just named all of them. Sorry. Literally everything, but who cares? Because React is king.

Scott Tolinski

Low key, I like aspect ratio. I use that all the time. Aspect ratio for me. Oh, man.

Scott Tolinski

All the new HSL stuff. Wes, what is your least favorite thing about the current state of React? Oh,

Scott Tolinski

the little buggy things that get in the way, the needing a key, the Yeah. Node. The class name stuff, like, this useCallback, the stuff that a compiler could do for you.

Scott Tolinski

Yeah. JavaScript.

Scott Tolinski

Yeah. For me, I like data layer wise.

Scott Tolinski

Right now, I'm using Pocket Bos for everything.

Scott Tolinski

Pocket Base is sick. It's easy to host your own old office bake baked right in. But if I'm going full data, like we did on the Syntax site, it is, it's Prisma and, MySQL. But Yeah. I also like Drizzle and Postgres JS well as Drizzle and SQLite. All that stuff is good for me. Why is Century's brand all purple? David Kramer here?

Scott Tolinski

Oh, yeah.

Scott Tolinski

type it in online. I get it. When was the last time you coded vanilla JS?

Scott Tolinski

back end is now possible. I like the DOM Yeah. Myself.

Scott Tolinski

I stopped using React. I like Tailwind.

Scott Tolinski


Scott Tolinski

on the flight here, and, it was great. It was really nice not having to worry about the server. I didn't need server side rendering. And if you don't need server side rendering, it just makes things harder. That's So yeah. Again I like server side rendering when you need it. It's easy enough. Beauty of JavaScript, beauty of React, Do you need to do server? Sure. Use React. You need to do

Scott Tolinski

In in now, I don't know. Too many times I'd pick something that wasn't a meta framework on top of React, because I mean, even create React app was kind of like a starter kit, not like something you'd probably keep around forever.

Scott Tolinski

But now with the server side components or React server components, there really isn't a React platform for server components. You have to use Remix. You have to use, Next. Js. And and to me, I'm going to pick one of those more full featured frameworks personally. Yeah. That to me is React at this point. I'm hoping for, like, a like, I usually

Scott Tolinski

Have I used Remix? Yes. Love Remix. Very bullish on Remix. Big fan. I like Remix, what they did for actions and, then what everybody copied from them from that. And I'm I'm glad everybody copied that from them because it's, the best way to do form stuff. Poor Ryan is gonna just fix all the server component stuff for us so we don't have to

Scott Tolinski

and it just kinda sat in a Google Drive document for a whole year. And then one one day, both of us were like, oh, wait. Remember that thing we were gonna do? Oh, yeah. Let's do it. Yeah. And then it's really easy to just keep going once you start. And then now we're at 700 something. So thank you so much, everybody. Thanks, everybody, for coming out. This is super fun. Have a good night.